Darling hair is a high end synthetic hair product aimed at people of African descent. The WhatsApp bot is deployed across three WhatsApp for Business numbers, one each for South Africa, Kenya and Nigeria. These are designed to replicate each local website; allow people to find the styles they like, see information about each style, find a salon or purchase them online.
We manually scraped all the product information and media from the existing website and then created decision trees for each market based on the products, styles and categories on each local site.This was put through usability testing to try find the optimum strategy and show users the product they wanted with the fewest steps possible.
With hair being a visual and aesthetic product, we needed to think outside the box to create the best user experience in a text-based navigation medium. Our solution was to create a visual navigation system with image cards that featured numbered selections.
All the product information has been added to a spreadsheet which auto-populates an Adobe XD file so we can easily create new product cards and minimise the time it takes to deploy new styles.