isobar future faces poster illustrations

Illustrations for isobar's Future Faces recruitment campaign in 2016 and 2015. The poster on the right was selected as one of the top 12 posters worldwide.

rat illustration and 13th empire illustration
Left: Personal illustration. Right: Commissioned piece for heavy metal band, 13th Empire.
concept renders of unique bath tubs
Commissioned renders of two bath options for a remodeled home.
illustration of a bicycle made out of bones

Bone Bike

illustrations of a bicycle and skateboards

"Old Dog" old school trials bike design and commissioned design for Revenant Skateboards.

various illustrations including a red bull helmet, a man riding a panther, a man fighting a crocodile and a classically inspired woman
illustration and poster design for 'n bitere life 4 almal also known as the cape town redemption
illustration of lauren fowler and sketches from a notebook
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